Level: Beginner — Author: Writix
Level: Beginner • Duration: N/A
Author: Unknown
This course revisits crucial interpersonal communication skills and introduces you to core mediation principles and ways of working – an invaluable combination for all those in management, HR and public facing roles, as well as anyone with an interest in relationship building and rebuilding.
If you are interested in becoming a mediator, or are changing career direction, join us for this transformative training, developed jointly by Community Resolve (Bristol) and Conflict & Change (Newham, London), innovative conflict transformation organisations working in the field for over 20 years.
The comprehensive course will provide all you need to start your journey as a mediator. You will be working to develop new skills that are relevant to all relationships around you – at home, at work and in community settings – and is an excellent CPD (continuing professional development) opportunity across a range of professions and careers.
COURSE INTRODUCTION – course overview
Day 1 – UNDERSTANDING CONFLICT – conflict dynamics, reframing, and essential interpersonal skills
Day 2 – YOU AND CONFLICT – our impact in any conflict we are involved in, including as mediators
Day 3 – WHAT IS MEDIATION? – core principles and the skills you need to hold the space as a mediator
Day 4 – THE MEDIATION PROCESS – understanding its future-focused, participant-led format
Day 5 – HOLDING THE SPACE – review of the techniques used to contain challenging discussions
Day 6 – PRACTICING SKILLS AND NEXT STEPS – you will be keen to get lots of practice and you will.
Who this course is for:
If you are interested in becoming a mediator, or are changing career direction, join us for this long-
Duration: N/A
XP Points: 0
Participants: 0