Level: Beginner — Author: Writix
Level: Beginner • Duration: N/A
Author: Unknown
Welcome to the Content Marketing Masterclass, a complete guide to growing your business in the modern world using the power of digital content.
In this course, you’ll learn exactly what it takes to plan and execute a content marketing strategy that drives your business forward. By the end, you’ll have all the tools you need to successfully market your products and services in the digital age.
Here are some of the things we’ll cover:
Classic Marketing Fundamentals: Basic principles from the “old world” of marketing that you’ll need to understand for this course. Beginners are welcome here!
Content Marketing Essentials: What content marketing is, how it works, how to tell a compelling story, and how to create detailed buyer personas to guide your approach.
Web Design: How to optimize your website for content marketing and build a well-oiled, lead-generating machine.
Generating Content Ideas: Develop a system for getting to know your audience and consistently generating new content ideas.
Content Formats & Repurposing: Get familiar with various content formats and learn how to create an endless stream of fresh content simply by repurposing what you’ve already created.
SEO (Search Engine Optimization): Everything you need to know to optimize your site for search engines and drive free, organic search traffic to your content.
Content Promotion: Learn to actively promote your content and drive traffic from a variety of sources.
Email Marketing: Use valuable opt-in incentives to grow your email list, bring people into your sales funnel, and build deeper relationships with your audience.
External Marketing Channels: Learn how platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram can tie right into your overall content strategy.
Duration: N/A
XP Points: 0
Participants: 0