Level: Beginner — Author: Writix
Level: Beginner • Duration: N/A
Author: Unknown
Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) is a process of tracking project/ programme interventions to know whether goals and objectives have been achieved. There are thousands of projects being implemented around the world in different sectors such as Mining, Agriculture, Construction, Energy etc. All these projects worldwide have both short and long-term objectives to achieve. To guarantee the success of interventions such as those mentioned in the preceding, there is a need to build Robust Monitoring and Evaluation Systems, which respond to stakeholder needs and the project management team. The development of a robust M&E system is an activity that must be undertaken with full support from funders, project implementers, beneficiaries, and regulators. With the coming in of Information Communication Technology (ICT), M&E interventions have become more automated and transparent. The growing demand for data and information has spiked over the past decade because organisations have a desire to achieve their targets and make informed management decisions. For this to be undertaken seamlessly, data collection, analysis, and reporting should be appropriately managed and implemented. Furthermore, the design of an M&E System should be tailor-made to address challenges and suggest areas of improvement in fulfilling information needs. For enhanced Capacity Building mechanisms to be addressed in any organization around the world, the human resource should be equipped with the right tools, standards, procedures, and skills to undertake M&E interventions with ease.
Duration: N/A
XP Points: 0
Participants: 0