Level: Beginner — Author: Writix
Level: Beginner • Duration: N/A
Author: Unknown
Do you struggle to get your nonprofit board members interested or engaged in fundraising?
Does your board even know that fundraising is something they should be participating in?
Do you want to change that?
Empowering and engaging your board in the fundraising process is the way to do it!
This course will discuss the importance of a fundraising board in meeting your organization's mission. The course includes a review of board roles and responsibilities, specifically fundraising, and offer resources on why and how board members can fundraise. We will discuss the time it takes for successful board and staff fundraising as well assess where your board is now in current fundraising policy, comfort level and readiness.
This course will talk about how you can prepare your board to participate and lead fundraising activities, including suggestions for education, engagement and empowerment of all board members. It also includes the opportunity to evaluate and celebrate your board’s fundraising efforts as well as discuss how to find fundraising board members and address potential conflicts of interest related to fundraising efforts and service on multiple boards.
Seasoned board members and staffers charged with fundraising efforts alike will benefit from the comfortable discussion style as well as the many resources on empowering and engaging your board included.
Duration: N/A
XP Points: 0
Participants: 0