The Art of Nonprofit Donor Cultivation

Level: Beginner — Author: Writix

The Art of Nonprofit Donor Cultivation

Level: Beginner • Duration: N/A

Author: Unknown

About This Course

About this course...

Nonprofit donor cultivation involves a thoughtful and strategic approach to building and nurturing relationships with prospective and existing donors. The concept emphasizes understanding donors' motivations, interests, and identities to create personalized and transformative engagement experiences. Learning about best practices in this realm, regardless of your position, can cultivating long-term support and advocacy from your donors. Whether you're an entry level nonprofit fundraiser, a nonprofit fundraising growing guru, or a seasoned development director, you'll find a new take on fundraising for nonprofits within this course.

What You Will Learn

The four aspects of unconscious thought at play in every donor interaction: motivation, identity, goal style, and decision-making approach.

The three phases of donor cultivation and how beliefs, emotions, and action tendencies (or “BEATs”) affect every donor’s motivation to give.

How an understanding of social identity theory can supercharge our nonprofit fundraising abilities.

Nurturing donor identities, particularly that of "advocate.

Understanding your own identity in order to bridge cultivating communications with your donors.

How goals, utility, and decision fatigue affect your fundraising work.

Using regulatory focus to fine-tune your personal goals, including examples to consider.

The connection between basic human needs and your motivations surrounding donor cultivation.

Who is this course for?

Need nonprofit fundraising best practices and fresh takes? If you are in fundraising, marketing, or any public-facing role in your nonprofit, then this learning path speaks directly to your specific role. For those in nonprofit programs, operations, finance, facilities, or other supportive departments, you'll gain an understanding of your role in donor development, identification, stewardship, and ultimately engagement!

Suitable for all nonprofit professionals!

This course explores the following Korn Ferry competencies:

Driving Engagement

Interpersonal Savvy

Demonstrating Self-Awareness


Instilling Trust

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The Art of Nonprofit Donor Cu…

Duration: N/A

XP Points: 0

Participants: 0