NGO Branding and Fundraising

Level: Beginner — Author: Writix

NGO Branding and Fundraising

Level: Beginner • Duration: N/A

Author: Unknown

About This Course

The participants will at the end of the course

Understand the basics of NGO fundraising and its importance

Know of various avenues of raising money for their cause

Understand strategies of approach for different funder types

Know the world corporate and individual fundraising

Get to know of strategies that worked and the ones that did not

Interact with practitioners and career fundraisers

Define a fundraising and branding strategy for their own cause

Learn to use branding solutions while being bootstrapped

Network with peers who can become partners in the long run

Branding in the nonprofit sector appears to be at an inflection point in its development. Although many nonprofits continue to take a narrow approach to brand management, using it as a tool for fundraising, a growing number are moving beyond that approach to explore the wider, strategic roles that brands can play: driving broad, long-term social goals, while strengthening internal identity, cohesion, and capacity. Although the ambitions of nonprofit brand managers are growing, the strategic frameworks and management tools available to them have not kept up. The models and terminology used in the nonprofit sector to understand brands remain those imported from the for-profit sector to boost name recognition and raise revenue.

Nonprofit leaders need new models that allow their brands to contribute to sustaining their social impact, serving their mission, and staying true to their organization’s values and culture.

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NGO Branding and Fundraising

Duration: N/A

XP Points: 0

Participants: 0