Freelancing with Clipping Path Skills

Level: Beginner — Author: Writix

Freelancing with Clipping Path Skills

Level: Beginner • Duration: N/A

Author: Unknown

About This Course

A clipping path is a photo editing technique that creates a closed vector path that includes (surrounds) the desired element of a photo. When clipping path is applied, then the elements outside of the vector path will be omitted, and the elements of the vector path will remain as they are.So for example, when you have taken a photo focused on a specific object, but in the background there other unrelated elements that don`t fit in, then you can just create a clipping path around your object and remove the rest.

The inside and the outside of the clipping path is defined by its direction.So for example, when a clipping path is created and includes a ball (inclusive clipping path) when reversing its direction the ball will be the excluded element of the path (exclusive clipping path).

This technique is used to isolate the desired elements in photos and removes (cuts out) what is unwanted in a photo. Depending on the ability of the editor and the ability of the photo editing software, the outcome may vary, meaning that perfect results down to single pixel can be achieved.There is also the “compound path” that is made from both inclusive and exclusive paths.A compound path is a combination of multiple inclusive and exclusive paths.For example, an inclusive path which contains a smaller exclusive path results in a shape with an “empty space” (which has been defined by the exclusive path).

As said above, clipping path is used to isolate objects or specific areas within a photo. By isolating an object in your photo, then you can further edit it and apply several other effects that will give to your desired object a totally different look! You can apply shadow dropping effect, stroke, and many other effects.

So it is easy to understand that being able to isolate an object and then make it look amazing, clipping path technique is very useful for any use.

For those who sell online through their own e-commerce/e-shop sites or for those who list their products on sites like Amazon and eBay, listing product photos that grab viewers attention on their first glance is a requirement for success.But also for photos of personal interest like wedding photos or other similar events, clipping path can be applied to edit and make them look stunning!

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Freelancing with Clipping Pat…

Duration: N/A

XP Points: 0

Participants: 0