Level: Beginner — Author: Writix
Level: Beginner • Duration: N/A
Author: Unknown
This 24 hours course is designed for managers, agents and persons who are, or are about to be, responsible for planning, organising, monitoring, controlling and administering groups of staff and workforce in their respective workplace.
This course will enable to meet HSE challenges in daily work, and explains why this work is both important and cost-efficient. The course provides an introduction to the most important and newest theories, principles and methods within the field, but also highlights the need for risk assessment in the workplace, the implementation of the necessary control measures and adequate communication to sustain a health and safety culture among the workforce
Aims and Objectives
To assist delegate to:
# manage health and safety on site in accordance with legal provisions, and within the context of their management or supervisory role
# develop an understanding of responsibilities and accountability for site health, safety and welfare
# recognise a safe site is efficient, economical and productive.
At the end of the period of training, delegates will be aware of, and able to:
# implement all health, safety, welfare and environmental legislation which affects them during their daily work
# implement new guidance and industry best practice
# state their duties and responsibilities with regards to health, safety, welfare and the environment.
Duration: N/A
XP Points: 0
Participants: 0