HSE Risk Management and Accident Investigation

Level: Beginner — Author: Writix

HSE Risk Management and Accident Investigation

Level: Beginner • Duration: N/A

Author: Unknown

About This Course

Management of HSE related risk is essential to all management and professional roles in industry. It is also essential to investigate accidents and any undesired events. Investigation will identify causes of accidents to stop future reoccurrences. This course will provide participants with the fundamental principles of hazard identification and use of Risk Management Tools to control hazards in workplace. A key benefit is the achieving ability to identify root causes of accidents and how to stop from reoccurring. A training program on HSE Risk Management and Accident Investigation gives your employees the understanding and responsibilities to perform jobs safely and to manage accidents in a systematic way.

A variety of exercises, pictures, examples, readings, videos and case studies will be used to understand and practice the safety leadership, behavioral and other tools used in day to day task. This course functions as a foundation for participants who are interested to know about HSE Risk Management and Accident Investigation.

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HSE Risk Management and Accid…

Duration: N/A

XP Points: 0

Participants: 0