Level: Beginner — Author: Writix
Level: Beginner • Duration: N/A
Author: Unknown
This day long workshop demonstrates the outcomes, applied skills and working knowledge of an individual with supervisory responsibilities for implementing and monitoring the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) policies, procedures and programs in small, medium or large organization enterprise workplace. It further requires effective contribution to the application of a systematic approach to manage practicable, safe and minimum risks to the health of employees and others. In addition to that, participants will also gain operational knowledge on two famous Australian Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems (OHSMS) Concepts, such as AS/NZS 4801:2001: OHSMS Specifications with guidance for use and AS/NZS 4804:2001: OHSMS guidelines on principles, systems and support procedures.
How participants will benefit after the course:
This workshop will enhance the following knowledge to the participants
- Internal and external sources of OHS information and data - build relationships with stakeholders (internal and external to the organisation)
- Importance of incorporating organisational policies and procedures for OHS
- International/legislative framework requirements for:
o Consultation
o Information and data collection
o Notification of incidents
o Record keeping
o Reporting of incidents
- Roles and responsibilities of personnel as specified in relevant OHS legislation and sequence tasks and meet timelines, if any
- OHS principles relating to:
o Hazard identification
o Hierarchy of control
o Risk management
o Systematic approaches to OHS and conflict management to address small disputes relating to OHS implementation issues
- Range of culturally appropriate communication strategies to communicate effectively with diverse abilities people at all levels of the organization.
Duration: N/A
XP Points: 0
Participants: 0