Implementing Positive Behaviour Management in the Classroom

Level: Beginner — Author: Writix

Implementing Positive Behaviour Management in the Classroom

Level: Beginner • Duration: N/A

Author: Unknown

About This Course

* UPDATE APRIL 2024* New bonus lecture added - interview with Bill Rogers
*UPDATE OCTOBER 2022* New bonus lecture added looking at positive behaviour management at post-16 level
*UPDATE JULY 2022* 3 new videos added - implementing assertiveness in the classroom, managing conflict between students and managing student debate and discussion. More updates to follow.
*UPDATE AUGUST 2018* Responding to student feedback, added some new "live" videos showing real time classroom scenarios with a "real" class of students.
Are you a teacher? Do you want to develop your classroom management? or maybe you just want a refresher on some of the nuts and bolts?
This course is for you!
Being able to manage student behaviour is absolutely crucial to the success of all students. Not only is it vital, it's also incredibly challenging. This course covers the fundamentals and much more! Whether you are an experienced practitioner or just starting out, the course offers a clear path to mastery, with quizzes and 'live videos' featuring classroom scenarios included.
You will:
•Learn new strategies to control your voice, body language and tone to get the best out of your students
•Understand how to implement assertiveness
•Understand the role of sanction models and how its important to “get the balance right”
•Learn how different classroom layouts can impact on the behaviour of students
•Learn simple, “easy win” strategies for cutting out noise in the classroom
The course is part of the series of CPD courses I have developed to support teachers including "Creating a Classroom Buzz" and "Lesson Planning; steps to success".
Who this course is for:

Teachers at any level who want to develop their classroom management skills
This course is particularly useful for PGCE students, NQT's and teachfirst participants

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Implementing Positive Behavio…

Duration: N/A

XP Points: 0

Participants: 0