Level: Beginner — Author:
Level: Beginner • Duration: 0
Author: Unknown
Classes XI-XII & Alim
Earlier Version
Quazi Mustain Billah
Fakrul Alam
M Shahidullah
Shamsad Mortuza
Zulfeqar Haider
Goutam Roy
Syed Manzoorul Islam
Shaheen M. Kabir
Revised Version
Fakrul Alam
Kaiser Haq
Goutam Roy
Zulfeqar Haider
Sabiha Hug
Jahid Bin Matin
Shaheen M. Kabir
Extracted Text from Image 3
Detected Language: The text is in english.
Published by
National Curriculum and Textbook Board
69-70, Motijheel Commercial Area, Dhaka-1000
[All rights reserved by the publisher]
First Edition: July, 2015
Revised Edition: February, 2022
Reprint: و 3
National Curriculum and Textbook Board
Price: Tk. 101.00 (Tk. One Hundred and One) Only
Printed by:
Extracted Text from Image 4
Detected Language: The language of the provided text is english.
This English For Today Textbook has been developed for classes 11 and 12 according
to the National Curriculum 2012. A team of experienced writers and editors have worked
hard to complete the writing and editing of the textbook. The process of rational evaluation
of the manuscript was carried out by a group of educationists, teachers, experts in
pedagogy, class-room teachers and NGO representatives under the guidance of NCTB.
The book is based on the same principle that has guided the writing of the English For
Today books from class 60nwards - the principle of learning a language by actually practising
it. This practice, which is carried out through the use of four language skills of speaking,
listening, reading and writing usually in an interactive mode, underlies the communicative
approach to language learning.
As the focus is on the communicative functions of language, the main aim of the
textbook is to provide ample opportunities for students to use English for a variety of
purposes in interesting situations. The book is divided into several units. Each unit, based
on a theme, has several lessons that involve reading texts and performing a range of
tasks and activities designed to enable students to develop the different skills, sometimes
individually and sometimes in pairs or groups. Some literary texts have also been included.
However, the emphasis in such cases is not just on content but on the use of the texts to
trigger a variety of language activities.
The emphasis on the communicative approach, however, does not disregard the role of
grammar. Instead of treating grammar as a set of rules to be memorised in isolation, the
book has integrated grammar items into the activities allowing grammar to assume a
more meaningful role in the learning of English. Thus students develop their language
skills by practising language activities and not merely by knowing the rules of the
It is expected that the new textbook will be an effective resource for the learning of
English at this level. ] appreciate the writers and editors of the book for their sincere effort
and hard labour. I also thank all others involved in the production of the textbook.
Prof. Md. Farhadul Islam
National Curriculum and Textbook Board, Bangladesh.
Extracted Text from Image 5
Detected Language: The text is primarily in english, but it also
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Unit One: People or Institutions Making History لا
Lesson 1 : The Unforgettable History
Lesson 2: Nelson Mandela, from Apartheid Fighter to President
Lesson 3: Two Women
Unit Two: Education and Life نا
Lesson 1: Why Education
Lesson 2: The Parrot’s Tale
Lesson 3: Civic Engagement
Lesson 4: A Warrior of Light
Unit Three: Dreams لا
Lesson 1 : What is a Dream?
Lesson 2: Dream Poems
Lesson 3: I Have a Dream
Unit Four: Youthful Achievers لا
Lesson 1: Sheikh Kamal: Life of an Achiever
Lesson 2: Affectionate, Lively and Always Smiling Sheikh Kamal
Lesson 3: Brojen Das: On Conquering the English Channel
Lesson 4: Scaling a Mountain Peak
Lesson 5: The Unbeaten Girls
Unit Five: Relationships لا
Lesson 1: Family Relationship
Lesson 2: Love and Friendship
Lesson 3: A Mother in Mannville
Unit Six: Adolescence لا
Lesson 1: The Storm and Stress of Adolescence
Lesson 2: Adolescence and Some (Related) Problems in Bangladesh
Lesson 3: Why Does a Child Hate School?
Lesson 4: The Story of Shilpi
Lesson 5: Say ‘No’ to Bullying
Classes XI-XII & Alim
Earlier Version
Quazi Mustain Billah
Fakrul Alam
M Shahidullah
Shamsad Mortuza
Zulfeqar Haider
Goutam Roy
Syed Manzoorul Islam
Shaheen M. Kabir
Revised Version
Fakrul Alam
Kaiser Haq
Goutam Roy
Zulfeqar Haider
Sabiha Hug
Jahid Bin Matin
Shaheen M. Kabir
Extracted Text from Image 3
Detected Language: The text is in english.
Published by
National Curriculum and Textbook Board
69-70, Motijheel Commercial Area, Dhaka-1000
[All rights reserved by the publisher]
First Edition: July, 2015
Revised Edition: February, 2022
Reprint: و 3
National Curriculum and Textbook Board
Price: Tk. 101.00 (Tk. One Hundred and One) Only
Printed by:
Extracted Text from Image 4
Detected Language: The language of the provided text is english.
This English For Today Textbook has been developed for classes 11 and 12 according
to the National Curriculum 2012. A team of experienced writers and editors have worked
hard to complete the writing and editing of the textbook. The process of rational evaluation
of the manuscript was carried out by a group of educationists, teachers, experts in
pedagogy, class-room teachers and NGO representatives under the guidance of NCTB.
The book is based on the same principle that has guided the writing of the English For
Today books from class 60nwards - the principle of learning a language by actually practising
it. This practice, which is carried out through the use of four language skills of speaking,
listening, reading and writing usually in an interactive mode, underlies the communicative
approach to language learning.
As the focus is on the communicative functions of language, the main aim of the
textbook is to provide ample opportunities for students to use English for a variety of
purposes in interesting situations. The book is divided into several units. Each unit, based
on a theme, has several lessons that involve reading texts and performing a range of
tasks and activities designed to enable students to develop the different skills, sometimes
individually and sometimes in pairs or groups. Some literary texts have also been included.
However, the emphasis in such cases is not just on content but on the use of the texts to
trigger a variety of language activities.
The emphasis on the communicative approach, however, does not disregard the role of
grammar. Instead of treating grammar as a set of rules to be memorised in isolation, the
book has integrated grammar items into the activities allowing grammar to assume a
more meaningful role in the learning of English. Thus students develop their language
skills by practising language activities and not merely by knowing the rules of the
It is expected that the new textbook will be an effective resource for the learning of
English at this level. ] appreciate the writers and editors of the book for their sincere effort
and hard labour. I also thank all others involved in the production of the textbook.
Prof. Md. Farhadul Islam
National Curriculum and Textbook Board, Bangladesh.
Extracted Text from Image 5
Detected Language: The text is primarily in english, but it also
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Unit One: People or Institutions Making History لا
Lesson 1 : The Unforgettable History
Lesson 2: Nelson Mandela, from Apartheid Fighter to President
Lesson 3: Two Women
Unit Two: Education and Life نا
Lesson 1: Why Education
Lesson 2: The Parrot’s Tale
Lesson 3: Civic Engagement
Lesson 4: A Warrior of Light
Unit Three: Dreams لا
Lesson 1 : What is a Dream?
Lesson 2: Dream Poems
Lesson 3: I Have a Dream
Unit Four: Youthful Achievers لا
Lesson 1: Sheikh Kamal: Life of an Achiever
Lesson 2: Affectionate, Lively and Always Smiling Sheikh Kamal
Lesson 3: Brojen Das: On Conquering the English Channel
Lesson 4: Scaling a Mountain Peak
Lesson 5: The Unbeaten Girls
Unit Five: Relationships لا
Lesson 1: Family Relationship
Lesson 2: Love and Friendship
Lesson 3: A Mother in Mannville
Unit Six: Adolescence لا
Lesson 1: The Storm and Stress of Adolescence
Lesson 2: Adolescence and Some (Related) Problems in Bangladesh
Lesson 3: Why Does a Child Hate School?
Lesson 4: The Story of Shilpi
Lesson 5: Say ‘No’ to Bullying
Unit Seven: Lifestyle لا
Lesson 1: Manners around the World
Lesson 2: Etiquette Netiquette
Lesson 3: Food Trends
Lesson 4: Fitness
Lesson 5: Spending
Unit Eight: Human Rights لا
Lesson 1: Are We Aware of These Rights? -I
Lesson 2: Are We Aware of These Rights? -II
Lesson 3: Rights to Health and Education
Lesson 4: Amerigo, a Street Child
L) Unit Nine: Peace and Conflict
Lesson 1: Conflicts: Causes and Types
Lesson 2: Cruelties of Conflict
Lesson 3: "The Old Man at the Bridge" by Ernest Hemingway
Unit Ten: Environment and Nature لا
Lesson 1: Water, Water Everywhere...
Lesson 2: The Hakaluki Haor
Lesson 3: The Lake Isle of Innisfree
Lesson 4: A Minor Bird
Lesson 5: The Tyger
Unit Eleven: Tours and Travels لا
Lesson 1: Travelling to a Village in Bangladesh
Lesson 2: Arriving in the Orient
Lesson 3: Ecotourism
Unit Twelve: Art and Craft لا
Lesson-1: What is Beauty?
Lesson 2: Folk Music
Lesson 3: Our Art & Craft
Unit Thirteen: Myths and Literature لا
Lesson 1: Bengal's Face
Lesson 2: Orpheus
Lesson 3: The Legend of Gazi
Lesson 4: Hercules
Duration: 0
XP Points: 0
Participants: 0