The Complete Digital SAT Course (Reading and Writing, Math)

Level: Beginner — Author: Writix

The Complete Digital SAT Course (Reading and Writing, Math)

Level: Beginner • Duration: N/A

Author: Unknown

About This Course

The Sentence Correction part of the GMAT is an opportunity - embrace it.

Sentence corrections are the easiest section of the test to 'game'. If you know the rules, you'll score really high, if you don't you'll score really low
Unlike math, reading comprehension or logical reasoning questions, sentence correction scores improve dramatically with practice
The sentence correction questions have their own, very specific quirks - these make little sense if you are a non-native speaker - but if you understand these quirks and can spot them, you'll crack the test
What's covered

50 high-quality sentence correction problems
No grammatical gobbledygook - simple explanations you can understand
Visual highlights so that you really get why alternatives are right or wrong
Who this course is for:
Yep! Anyone preparing to take the GMAT
Yep! Non-native speakers looking to level the playing field in the verbal section
Yep! Anyone that finds grammar jargon incredibly confusing, and would like simple, crisp explanations in everyday language

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The Complete Digital SAT Cour…

Duration: N/A

XP Points: 0

Participants: 0