Level: Beginner — Author: Writix
Level: Beginner • Duration: N/A
Author: Unknown
It's natural to feel apprehensive about being stuck in a certain career or income group.
Teaching English online or abroad can be a great way to diversify your skills and income streams Enrolling in this course will help you to leverage your language proficiency and create opportunities for yourself while also helping others.
My goal is to help anyone interested in teaching English full/part-time, whilst traveling or living abroad, or from the comfort of their own homes to land their first teaching job with ease.
The course includes a variety of teaching demos, free teaching resources, and lesson plans, free E-books, quizzes and step-by-step guides to ensure you have a full understanding of how English is taught as a foreign language at language schools, international schools, kindergartens, and online companies.
This course is designed for high achievers and those who think outside the box. I've noticed that many students are simply focused on earning a certificate, with little interest in actually absorbing the knowledge. According to statistics, only about 10% of students enrolling in degrees and courses are truly focused on learning. Unlike typical TEFL programs, this course offers much more comprehensive content, including valuable skills for working independently online. If you're content with working for an online company that pays $6 an hour, there are easier TEFL courses out there. But if you’re part of the 10 % who want to truly elevate their careers, this course is for you.
Course Layout:
Introduction to TEFL vocabulary
Second Language Acquisition
ESL lesson Planning
Modern teaching methods in Asia
The four skills
Teaching integrated skills lessons
Classroom management
Understanding cultural differences
Teaching English to Younger learners
Teaching Online and the hiring process
Teaching English Abroad and the hiring process
Applying for an educational visa
Obtaining a work
Generating an income from teaching English
Who this course is for:
Aspiring English language teachers who want to gain the skills and knowledge needed to teach English as a foreign language.
Experienced teachers who want to broaden their teaching skills and transition to teaching English as a foreign language.
Travel enthusiasts who want to combine their passion for travel with teaching English abroad.
Professionals who want to enhance their career prospects by gaining English language teaching certification.
Students who want to gain valuable teaching experience and earn money while studying abroad.
Teachers wanting to learn how to create lesson plans, teaching materials and assessments using AI to lessen their workload
Duration: N/A
XP Points: 0
Participants: 0