Duolingo English Test Prep Course

Level: Beginner — Author: Writix

Duolingo English Test Prep Course

Level: Beginner • Duration: N/A

Author: Unknown

About This Course

Prepare for Duolingo English Test. Practice course is created for people of different ages who want to grow in their career.The practice test will help you strengthen your knowledge,skills - time management,language-writing,vocabulary,grammar- and become more and more confident in yourself and on the exam itself. The test is divided into different sections.The first section includes vocabulary practice to identify whether the particular word exists in English language or not and also help you think about its meaning. Next section include gap filling exercises in sentences and in bigger texts.The last section includes a lot of writing about different global and personal topics. What is more important, I will correct your writings and provide individual feedback. Remember, that We all make mistakes. Do not be afraid of errors. It is very natural to have some. Otherwise,no one will be able to learn anything. Communicating is essential in the process of language learning,does not matter whether it's English or any other language.Try to think and speak in English and what's more important practice practice practice.Practice makes theory stronger.
Wish you good luck and always be ready to ask me anything. Hope the course will help you achieve your goals.

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Duolingo English Test Prep Co…

Duration: N/A

XP Points: 0

Participants: 0