Level: Beginner — Author: Writix
Level: Beginner • Duration: N/A
Author: Unknown
This course is designed for Professionals seeking migration goals and University aspirants to gain admission by achieving their Desired Scores.
This course is NOT a Short-cut course and covers all the skills that Pearson has specifically mentioned, that students should learn and master to be able to get maximum scores.
In this course, you will learn skills and build on skills in a structured way prescribed by Pearson. All skills are interrelated and therefore, many skills cover more than one part of the test. You will learn about the scoring of each component of the test. We will focus on Grammar, pronunciation, Oral Fluency, Vocabulary building, Written discourse, and much more.
Online courses can sometimes lack the practice component which is emphasized in a classroom environment. This course has attempted to include rigorous practice activities. You will be asked to pause the lecture and practice along in each lesson to apply the skills that are learned. Practice is the MOST IMPORTANT factor in your success.
Finally, this course provides ample feedback on the sample responses from PTE students and covers both the teacher's feedback and Pearson's feedback. You will be able to highlight your errors and apply that feedback to your responses.
Duration: N/A
XP Points: 0
Participants: 0