TOEIC TEST Preparation Course

Level: Beginner — Author: Writix

TOEIC TEST Preparation Course

Level: Beginner • Duration: N/A

Author: Unknown

About This Course

Now, more than ever, you need to be good at English in the global work environment. You need to be able to communicate effectively. You need to be confident in your own ability to use English. But also, you need an English qualification that reflects your ability. If you are going for a new job, or a promotion you need to able to show without doubt that you can handle the language side of the job, the English side.
That's where the TOEIC Test comes in. TOEIC - Test of English for International Communication - is used in over 60 countries. It has a world wide reputation. It's a known and respected qualification. Having TOEIC can expand your job opportunities. You need TOEIC on your resume / CV.
This course prepares you for that TOEIC test. The course covers all 7 parts of the TOEIC test. The course is available 24 / 7. No lecture is longer than 10 minutes so you can study while you are waiting for a train or in a coffee shop or during dead time at work. Use the course often, but little by little, and it will take you forward.
This course takes each of the seven parts of the TOEIC test one by one. It identifies skills needed for each part. It explains and practices those skills in the context of the TOEIC test using the same vocabulary and grammatical structures used in the test.
The course recognises that many test-takes have a problem with timing. The reading section of the test has 100 questions to answer in only 75 minutes. So, the course practises answering questions at speed. The course develops strategies to do this.
By the end of the course, you will feel much more confident about your English and much more confident about taking TOEIC.

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TOEIC TEST Preparation Course

Duration: N/A

XP Points: 0

Participants: 0