Level: Beginner — Author: Writix
Level: Beginner • Duration: N/A
Author: Unknown
If you want to be fluent in English and sound native, you need to know phrasal verbs well.
There's a ton of information on them, but it's all in tiny pieces spread across grammar books, dictionaries, and various websites.
I spent a year putting this information together and building this course to make phrasal verbs as easy to understand as physically possible. By taking this course you'll save tons of time and the frustration involved in digging for bits and pieces of necessary information.
This course breaks down what phrasal verbs are, why they matter, what kinds of phrasal verbs exist, and what is the best way to learn them.
You will learn 10 of the 1.5% most common phrasal verbs in the English language: what they are, which of their meanings are the most/least common (with the % of their usage and examples), and a variety of exercises to help you cement them in your memory.
This course will give you the NECESSARY knowledge to transform your "good English" into "native English" - as long as you follow all recommendations and do all the exercises provided.
Note that the theoretical part (video) of the course is 40 minutes long, but the activities section is expected to take 5-6 hours. This is because I have created custom exercises for you to practice what is taught in the video.
Who this course is for:
Pre-Intermediate (or higher) English learners who want to think and speak more naturally.
Students trying to write better university papers in English.
People that have/are looking for a job that requires English.
People who deal with English on a daily basis.
People that know that their English is not perfect and there’s space for improvement.
People that know that their English is almost perfect and there’s a tiny bit of space for improvement. ;)
People that struggle to understand native speakers.
Duration: N/A
XP Points: 0
Participants: 0