English Conversation Course for Beginners: Speak with Me!

Level: Beginner — Author: Writix

English Conversation Course for Beginners: Speak with Me!

Level: Beginner • Duration: N/A

Author: Unknown

About This Course

The only way to learn the English language is to speak it!

· Are you a beginner English language leaner?

· Is speaking English difficult?

If yes then "Speak with Me!" is right for you. The fastest way to start speaking English.

Welcome to Master Student English

In our 25 lesson course we give you 200+ examples of common English phrases and we practice practice practice. Lessons start easy but become more challenging later.

Lessons are taught by Teacher Eim and Teacher Mark in a fun way to help you to not be shy and to start speaking English!

English vocabulary in this course = BEGINNER

Sentence difficulty = BEGINNER

Focus is on English speaking skills / English conversation / English pronunciation / English fluency and tone -not so much English grammar.

Lessons are designed to be short but engaging. Watch every English language lesson over and over until you feel comfortable.

But even if you are at a higher English level, this course will help you to practice speaking English.

We want to learn English to speak to other people, so English conversation is the most important!

English, Hindi, Japanese, Portuguese, Spanish, Korean & Thai subtitles available.

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English Conversation Course f…

Duration: N/A

XP Points: 0

Participants: 0